Before the turn of the year, words like “pandemic”, “quarantine” sounded alien to a lot of people. Without a doubt, 2020 is surely topping the chart of the least favourite year for so many people across the globe. Coronavirus was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the Covid-19 a global pandemic.
Covid-19 does not come close to the deadliest pandemic recorded in human history. The deadliest pandemic recorded surfaced between 1347 and 1351, according to Wikipedia, the pandemic named “Black Death” claimed the lives of more than 20 million people in Europe and close to 200 million people worldwide.

According to the official UK Government website for data and insights on Coronavirus (COVID-19), over 150,000 people have tested positive in the last 7 days.
In light of the rising Covid-19 cases, the Prime Minister announced all non-essential shops, restaurants and bars will have to close except for takeaways and deliveries. Places of worship will generally close but funerals, with a maximum of 30 people attending, individual prayer, and a few other activities will be allowed. Schools will remain open and children will be able to move between homes if parents are separated.
The new lockdown runs from Thursday, November 5, 2020 and is due to end on December 2; however the date could be extended based on the Covid-19 current case data.
The safety and well-being of people continue to remain a matter of priority to us at Ellesu. While we enjoin the public to obey the new guidelines, we’ve also added a couple of online options for our cookery classes. To find out more, please, contact us today: